How to store and handle oils and lubricants safely

How to store and handle oils and lubricants safely
18 July 2024

The proper storage and handling of oils and lubricants are crucial to ensure safety in garages and distribution centers. It's not just about maintaining the quality of these products, but also preventing accidents, since their improper handling may result in health, safety, or environmental hazards. 

In this article, we are going to explain to you the importance of the conservation of lubricants and, also, we will offer you some practical guidelines for safe storage and handling.

The importance of conserving and handling lubricants safely

Lubricants are essential for the proper functioning of vehicles and all types of machinery. However, they can represent certain risks, as these products may be flammable, toxic, or corrosive. That's why we recommend you consult their safety data sheets to keep them in mind.

[H2] A safe place to store oils and lubricants

The place where the oils or lubricants are stored must be dry, be well ventilated, and have a cool and constant temperature. Heat exposure, direct sunlight, or dampness can degrade the products, reducing or neutralizing their effectiveness. 

We also remind you that these products must be conserved in their original containers whenever possible, as these recipients are designed to protect the content from pollutants and wear. 

In the case that, for some reason, it is necessary to transfer the oils or lubricants to other containers, ensure that these are suitable and compatible with the product in question. Moreover, they must be labeled properly, indicating dates of receipt and the type of lubricant they contain.

How to handle lubricants safely

If in your business or distribution point the handling of bulk lubricants is necessary, it is essential that the personnel in charge of this task uses the proper personal protective equipment, as is indicated in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS); for example, gloves, safety goggles, or protective clothing. In this way, direct content with the skin and eyes is avoided, preventing irritation and injuries.

You also have to check the containers that you will use beforehand, thus preventing leaks or damage to them. In this same line, spill prevention is key. To do this, you have to use pumps and transfer equipment designed for this purpose, as well as place trays under the containers to prevent a hypothetical spill from going any further. Lastly, ensure that the recipients are well sealed after their use.

If you have suffered an oil or lubricant spill, you will have to clean it immediately by using the proper absorbents and disposing of the waste according to the regulation in force.

How to store and handle oils and lubricants safely


Keep an eye on storage

Once you have stored oils or lubricants, carry out periodic tidiness and cleanliness inspections of the area to identify any possible signs of damage to the containers, such as leaks or dirt accumulation. Moreover, it is recommended to maintain a register of these checks.

On the other hand, we advise you to have an inventory rotation system to ensure that the oldest lubricants are used first, thus preventing lubricants from degrading over time.

Training of personnel

Training your personnel in safe lubricant storage and handling practices is always a great investment. According to the type of tasks you carry out in your business, these are some of the initiatives that you can carry out:

  • Provide clear and accessible manuals and procedures for the safe handling of lubricants. Ensure that all employees understand and follow these guidelines.
  • Implement a regular training program for all personnel on the safe lubricant storage and handling practices.
  • Promote a prevention culture in the workplace, where each employee feels responsible for maintaining a safe environment.
  • Periodically review and update safety procedures to reflect best practices and changes in regulation.

Safety in the storage and handling of lubricants not only protects employees and the environment, but also ensures the quality and effectiveness of products in garages and distribution centers. By following these guidelines, you minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safe and productive work environment.