Fully Synthetic

Fire-resistant hydraulic fluid based on a mixture of water and glycol. It is a fluid intended mainly for replacing mineral hydraulic oils in systems with high fire risk. It has a water content of approximately 37% and is designed for use in the metallurgy industry, where excellent lubricity is required and where there are extreme operating conditions. The loss of water content could entail an increase in viscosity and deionised water would have to be added to recover its properties. It is specially suitable for hydraulic systems which due to their characteristics or location are exposed to fire risk and where the fluid does not exceed a temperature of 60ºC. It is therefore a high-safety fluid for mining, the steel industry, manufacturing industries (cast iron or plastic deformation of elements such as forges or presses).

    Technical Information

    Quality levels, approvals and recommendations

    ISO: 6743/4 HFC, 12922 HFC
    7th Luxembourg Protocol


    Excellent lubricity
    Very good filterability
    High shear stability
    Fire-resistant fluid

    Related products

    The base oils used to manufacture this group of products have been carefully refined to obtain a high viscosity index and excellent resistance to oxidation. Its constituent additives, as well as enhancing these natural characteristics, provide this lubricant with exceptional anti-wear properties and temperature performance. These oils are specially designed for hydraulic circuits subjected to sudden temperature changes in which oils are also required to have greater anti-wear properties. They are specifically suited to hydraulic circuits exposed to the elements or with low working temperatures, as well as equipment requiring viscosity variations that are significantly lower than in standard fluids, and hydraulic systems used at sea (watertight doors, capstans and windlasses, stabilisers, etc.). Excellent performance in hydraulic systems for all kinds of public works machinery The base oils used to manufacture this group of products have been carefully refined to obtain a high viscosity index and excellent resistance to oxidation. Its constituent additives, as well as enhancing these natural characteristics, provide this lubricant with exceptional anti-wear properties and temperature performance. These oils are specially designed for hydraulic circuits subjected to sudden temperature changes in which oils are also required to have greater anti-wear properties. They are specifically suited to hydraulic circuits exposed to the elements or with low working temperatures, as well as equipment requiring viscosity variations that are significantly lower than in standard fluids, and hydraulic systems used at sea (watertight doors, capstans and windlasses, stabilisers, etc.). Excellent performance in hydraulic systems for all kinds of public works machinery